Initial Setup: $550.00
The initial setup fee is $550.00. This provides you with a domain name (, .org, .church. Whichever you would like), and hosting. Please also ask about additional features such as cloud storage or email addresses that are included in this price.
Logo Creation: $100.00
Don’t already have a logo for your church? We can create one for you that meets your approval!
Annual Fee: $250.00
The annual fee is a continual payment to your yearly hosting and domain fees. This is charged annually from the date your site is set up.
Support: $25.00 per hour
Support is provided through requests to make changes to the website. Each month you will receive an invoice with the hours clearly logged to provide transparency. If maintenance is under one hour, the number will be rounded to the nearest hour (Example: 2 hours 25 minutes = 2 hours @ $50 on an invoice. 7 hours and 39 minutes = 8 hours and $200 on an invoice).